AFJROTC CA-20052 Patch developed and designed by Cadets Miguel Cortes and Samuel Villapando class of 2021
Outstanding Instructors of the Year (OIY) for Academic Year 2023-24
It's my pleasure to announce the AFJROTC R1S4 Outstanding Instructors of the Year (OIY) for Academic Year 2023-24! These instructors were selected from the 30 R1S4 Units by Regional Director recommendations during visits as well as nominations from the SASI or Principal. These instructors have had a positive impact on their cadets, school, and community throughout AY 2023-2024. Selection for OIY, at any level, is a tremendous accomplishment that recognizes the significant contributions and achievements of selfless and highly dedicated instructors. Thank you to all instructors for your tireless commitment to the AFJROTC program and our mission of "developing citizens of character."
Col (Ret) Scott Barberides, CA-20052, Great Oak HS
CMSgt (Ret) William Jones, CA-20052, Great Oak HS
MSgt (Ret) George Macias, CA-20052, Great Oak HS
Scott Roxburgh, GS-12, DAF
Regional Director
Minibase - Client Enablement Consultant
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The Information and opinions contained in this internet site do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, United States Air Force, Jeanne ZM. Holm Center for Officer Accessions and Citizen Development, or the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps