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Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame

GOHS Introduces the Hall Of Fame

        Great Oak High School is pleased to announce the establishment of an Athletic Hall of Fame.  The purpose of the GOHS Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those Great Oak athletes, coaches, administrators and supporters who excelled in their respective sports or coaching/support roles and who helped to bring honor, recognition, distinction and excellence to Great Oak by their conduct both on and off the field, or court, of competition.  This recognition will help maintain the spirit, pride and sense of community as well as serve as a historical account of the great athletic traditions of Great Oak  High School. 

          Membership is open to all athletes, coaches, administrators and contributors from Great Oak High School.  Athletes are eligible 7 years after graduation from high school.  Coaches are eligible for nomination beginning three years after their last year of coaching.        
          To be considered for the Hall of Fame, anyone may submit a nomination form with all the information filled out. The nomination form must be submitted to the GOHS Athletic Department by July 1st, 2024. Once the nomination form is received, the GOHS Hall of Fame Committee will review all nominations and vote on which members will be inducted into the hall of fame.