- Class of 2028 Incoming Freshman Presentation
- Incoming 9th Grade Form
- Graduation Requirements
- UC/CSU A-G Subject Requirements
- College Planning Timeline
- CTE 2024-2025
- Online/Concurrent Enrollment/Dual Enrollment Classes
- Summer School/Credit Recovery
- Course Selection Course Guide
- Departments
- Extra/Co - Curricular
- Forms and Applications
- Special Education
Class of 2028 Incoming Freshman Presentation
Incoming 9th Grade Form
Incoming 9th Grade Form
Click here for the 9th Grade Course Selection Form Link
This link is for current TVUSD students and requires a TVUSD Gmail account.
New to TVUSD students will receive a separate link when their 2024-2025 enrollment becomes active.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
Click here for Community Service Hour requirements
Click image for larger view
The TVUSD Board has approved the prorated community service graduation hours per "Class of". Please see the list below for your class.
Class of 2023: 10 hours
Class of 2024: 20 hours
Class of 2025: 30 hours
Class of 2026: 40 hours
UC/CSU A-G Subject Requirements
College Planning Timeline
College Planning Timeline
Junior year marks a turning point. This is because for most students and families, it’s when college planning activities kick into high gear. Here are some things you can do this year to stay on track for college.
Click here for College Planning: 11th Grade
Click here for the 9th and 10th grade timeline
Click here for the Counseling SAT and ACT webpage
Click here for CSU Admissions Without the SAT or ACT webpage
Keep in mind! Military Academics and all branches ROTC programs are requiring an SAT or ACT Score
Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses 2024-2025
Click image for larger view
Click here for the Advanced Placement (AP) Program Webpage
Taking AP courses and exams improves your chances of getting into college, and can even help you minimize your college costs.
Click here for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program Webpage
The IB program is a rigorous pre-university course of studies offered to 11th & 12th grade students. IB students will be required to participate in higher level coursework across the curriculum. A limited number of IB 2 year courses may be started in 10th grade. Pre-AP courses when available are recommended for students considering AP or IB courses the following year.
AP courses are recommended 10th grade if considering IB Diploma.
Students can take one or more IB course if you are not seeking to get IB Diploma.
Students in IB courses have to take the IB Exams - they are NOT optional.
Students considering IB MUST be registered for a World Language (ASL is not offered for the IB Programme) in 9th & 10th. Students must have completed 2nd year by end of 10th.
CTE 2024-2025
CTE 2024-2025
Online/Concurrent Enrollment/Dual Enrollment Classes
Online/Concurrent Enrollment/Dual Enrollment Classes
2024 - 2025 Schedule Options for Online Courses
Click image for larger view
Click image for larger view
Online courses require a signed Independent Study contract which will be provided at a later date.
Visit the UC Scout Website for more information.
For Dual Enrollment, please check with your counselor first.
Click here for the Mount San Jacinto College High School Student Enrollment Information webpage
Click here for the MSJC FALL 2024 Concurrent Enrollment Form
The deadline for GOHS Counselors and Administration to accept and sign school parent agreement forms (SPA) will be June 5th. We will not accept or sign any SPA forms after this date.
Click here for the Cal State San Marcos Dual Enrollment webpage
Summer School/Credit Recovery
Summer School/Credit Recovery
For Summer School information, click here for the TVUSD webpage.
Click here for the TVUSD Summer School 2024 Worksheet
Great Oak offers in person Apex credit recovery classes to meet graduation and A-G requirements. This class requires a signed agreement and counselor approval. Students taking APEX coursework are expected to complete a unit of their course each week to make satisfactory progress. If satisfactory progress is not being made, GOHS staff will evaluate the student’s progress on a case-by-case basis to determine if the student should be removed from APEX and placed on the wait-list. Attendance is required. If a student completes the Apex program, he/she will use this period as a study hall to stay on track in all classes.
Other credit recovery options based on counselor approval
At the beginning of Senior year, Seniors should have 190 credits to be on track for graduation. If you have less than 190 credits or more than 4 semester core courses to make up in credit recovery, you will need to attend Rancho Vista High School.
Click here for Rancho Vista High School
Course Selection Course Guide
Course Selection Course Guide
Click here for the Course Selection Course Guide
For Class of 2025, Class of 2026, Class of 2027
Parents/Guardians - please log into your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus & review your student’s course requests. When you are in approval with the requests, please select the Check Box (Approved by Parent/Legal Guardian) and hit the save button.
Social Science
World Language
Physical Education
Physical Education 2024-2025
Click here for the Physical Education webpage
Click image for larger view
Students must complete 2 years of PE for graduation.
PE can be waived in 10th-12th grade if you are an athlete on a CIF team at GOHS. Off Campus Independent PE is offered @ District Office: TVUSD Independent PE
Visual and Performing Arts 2024-2025
Click here for the Visual and Performing Arts Webpage
Click images for larger view
Extra/Co - Curricular
Extra/Co - Curricular
- Performing Groups
- Athletics
- Clubs
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
- WSB Leadership
- Peer Leaders
- Yearbook
- Air Force Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps (AFJROTC)
- Military Academies
Performing Groups
Click here for the Athletics webpage
Click here for the NCAA website
PE - Varsity/JV
Men’s Tennis -6th (10th-12th)
Women’s Tennis -6th (10th-12th)
PE Athl Football -1st (10th-12th)
PE Baseball -6th (10th-12th)
Men’s Basketball -6th (10th-12th)
Women’s Basketball -6th (10th-12th)
PE Cross Country/Track - 1st (10th - 12th)
PE Softball B - 6th/2nd semester only
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
Click here for the AVID webpage
Click image for larger view
Click here for the 2024-2025 AVID Application
Avid 9 A/B
Prerequisites: Application Required
Grade Level: 9
Course Numbers: 8771/8772
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - InterdisciplinaryThis is a program which prepares students for admission to four year universities and colleges immediately
after high school graduation. Students receive instruction in writing, reading, and study skills, intensive
college and career counseling and in-class tutoring from college students in all subject areas. Students who
enroll in the class are expected to maintain enrollment in AVID for the remainder of their high school career
and to maintain enrollment in college preparatory classes.
Avid 10 A/B
Prerequisites: Application Required
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Numbers: 8774/8775
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - Interdisciplinary
This is a program which prepares students for admission to four year universities and colleges immediately
after high school graduation. Students receive instruction in writing, reading, and study skills, intensive
college and career counseling and in-class tutoring from college students in all subject areas. Students who
enroll in the class are expected to maintain enrollment in AVID for the remainder of their high school career
and to maintain enrollment in college preparatory classes.
Avid 11 A/B
Prerequisites: Application Required
Grade Level: 11
Course Numbers: 8776/8777
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - Interdisciplinary
This is a program which prepares students for admission to four year universities and colleges immediately
after high school graduation. Students receive instruction in writing, reading, and study skills, intensive college
and career counseling and in-class tutoring from college students in all subject areas. SAT/ACT practice is also a
part of this course. Students who enroll in the class are expected to maintain enrollment in AVID for the
remainder of their high school career and to maintain enrollment in college preparatory classes.
Avid Senior Seminar A/B
Prerequisites: Application Required
Grade Level: 12
Course Numbers: 8780/8781
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - InterdisciplinaryA/B students take AVID 1st and 2nd semester and continue to receive support in preparation for admission to a
four-year college or university. Critical thinking and study skills are continually emphasized as well as tutorial
assistance with the guidance of college tutors two days per week. Students will practice essay writing and
speaking skills, as well Socratic seminars. SAT/ACT practice is also a part of this course. Students in their 4th year
of AVID should enroll in AVID Senior Seminar. College admission is emphasized through the application
process, financial aid and scholarship research.
WSB Leadership
Click here for the Activites Webpage
Click here for the 2024-2025 Leadership Application (for Incoming 9th Only)
Leadership 1 A/B
Prerequisites: Application and Interview Required
Grade Level: 9,10
Course Numbers: 8203/8204
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: N/A
This course is designed to introduce students to the student government at GOHS. Students will have the opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills such as: effective communication, learning to delegate, making contact with the community, and learning how to put on an event. Students need to be willing to make a
difference on a daily basis. This course is designed for incoming freshmen and first time WSB students. An application process helps place students into this introductory course.
Leadership 2 A/B
Prerequisites: Application and Interview Required
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Numbers: 8210/8211
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - History Elective
This course is designed for students who have taken Leadership 1. Students will continue to develop leadership skills. This class is responsible for putting on all of the major events on campus. Students will work together to create events that are engaging, fun, and inclusive. Students will be required to attend events and are expected to be good role models on campus representing the Great Oak brand. Students will learn about parliamentary procedures, school finance and organization skills. This course is great for preparing students to be leaders in the world.
Peer Leaders
Click here for the Peer Leaders webpage
Click here for the Peer Leaders Application
Prerequisites: Application Required
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Numbers: 1571/1572
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - History Elective
This is a two-semester course that combines high-level critical thinking, writing , and analytical skills with
project experiences and implementation, while giving students an opportunity to explore interpersonal and
mass communications as they identify and address critical issues related to school climate. Through this class
students will become more empowered peer leaders as they hone their communication and problem solving
Click here for the Yearbook Webpage
Click here for the Yearbook Application Link
Yearbook A/B
Prerequisites: Application Approval
Grade Level: 9-12
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: g - English Elective
This course is designed to provide practical, specific experiences with the goal of publication of the yearbook.
Topics that will be covered include writing copy, captions and headlines, planning and drawing layouts,
photography, communication skills, independent thinking skills, and responsibility. Members are expected to
assume the responsibilities and self-discipline necessary to contribute to the success of such an organization.
Air Force Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps (AFJROTC)
Click here for the AFJROTC Webpage
Aerospace Science 1 A/B
Prerequisites: None
Grade Level: 9-11
Course Numbers: 8500/8502
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: N/A
The first year is a science course designed to acquaint the student with the aerospace environment, a journey into aviation history and citizenship, character and Air Force traditions. Students are required to complete a
project, such as a PowerPoint presentation, and then make a presentation on the project. Leadership hours
stress communication skills and cadet corps activities. Students wear the Air Force Junior ROTC uniform and
are graded on dress and appearance. Students participate in military drill and physical training weekly.
Students receive one semester of Physical Education credit and one semester of elective credit. Community
service hours are available by volunteering for events requested by district schools and the community
throughout the academic year.
Aerospace Science 2 A/B
Prerequisites: Aerospace Science 1 A/B
Grade Level: 10-11
Course Numbers: 8510/8512
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: N/AThe second year is dedicated to two semesters of physical education credit. Students are introduced to the
world’s global awareness and leadership education focusing on communication education, increased
awareness of self and others. Students participate in military drill and physical training weekly. Students wear
the Air Force Junior ROTC uniform and are graded on dress and appearance. Community service hours are
available by volunteering for events requested by district schools and the community throughout the
academic year.
Aerospace Science 3 A/B
Prerequisites: Aerospace Science 2 A/B
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Numbers: 8520/8522
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: N/A
Aerospace 3 is an elective for all 3rd year cadets. In the first semester of the third year, cadets are exposed to a
curriculum that covers life skills and career opportunities. Leadership concepts are reviewed and survival skills
introduced. To reinforce the learning in Aerospace 2, public speaking will be addressed–improving their skills
from the previous year. Military drill and physical training is performed weekly. Students wear the Air Force Junior ROTC uniform and are graded on dress and appearance. Community service hours are available by volunteering for events requested by district schools and the community throughout the academic year.
Aerospace Science 4 A/B
Prerequisites: Aerospace Science 3 A/B
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Numbers: 8530/8532
UC Requirement Fulfills UC: N/A
Aerospace 4 is an elective for seniors who are officers or cadets who require a third year. In semester one of
year four, cadet officers develop their leadership skills and military etiquette. They will learn the positive
reinforcement techniques to help improve cadets when intervention is required, managing stress, working in
teams, and interpersonal skills. Additionally, cadet officers will learn about other types of governments, the
United States Code of Conduct and the Uniform Court of Military Justice. Furthermore, students participate in
military drill and physical training weekly. Students wear the Air Force Junior ROTC uniform and are graded on
dress and appearance. Community service hours are available by volunteering for events requested by district
schools and the community throughout the academic year.
Military Academies
To qualify for a Service Academy, applicants must:
Be a United States citizen and legal resident of California;
Be at least 17 years old, but not older than 23 on July 1 of the year you enter the academy;
Have a high school education or the equivalent;
Have high academic standing;
Participate in extracurricular and/or community activities that demonstrate leadership qualities; and
Have received competitive scores on the SAT or ACT.
Forms and Applications
Forms and Applications
Click here for the 24-25 Late Start/Early Release Agreement
Click here for the WSB Leadership Application (for Incoming 9th only)
Click here for the Red Wave Class 2024-2025 Application
Click here for Peer Leaders Application
Click here for the Yearbook Application
Click here for AVID Application (for Incoming 9th only)
Click here for AVID Mid - Year application for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who are not in AVID
Click here for the 24-25 Teacher's Aide (TA) Application Form