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Work Permits

Work Permits

Students who are seeking employment will need a work permit after being offered a position. Here's how Great Oak students apply for a work permit:

~While school is in session: 

~During summer break:

  1. Print and complete the student section of a work permit application:  Click here for pdf
  2. Take the application to your employer to complete and sign their section of the application.
  3. Have your parent sign the application.
  4. Take the COMPLETED application to the TVUSD offices: 
    Student Welfare & Success (SWS) Office at 31350 Rancho Vista Rd, Temecula.
    • Summer WORK PERMIT hours are: 
      Monday-Friday 8:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-4:00pm
      See Carmen Adame, Clerk lll, at the SWS office.
      Phone if you have any questions:  951-560-7060