Registrar / Transcripts
The Process for Requesting an Official Transcript for Final Grades Upon Graduation:
Seniors! You can order your final transcripts now; however, you MUST SELECT HOLD FOR GRADES so the transcript will be processed when final grades are completed. Universities may rescind acceptance if they do not receive your final transcript.
If your college contacts you before the end of the GOHS school year, PLEASE reorder and resend the transcript with the HOLD FOR GRADES selection.
If your college contacts you after the end of the GOHS school year, PLEASE reorder and resend your transcript.
Directions to order an official transcript for both former and current students:
Electronic Processing - The recommended and most efficient option, complete with tracking and email notification. Great Oak High School has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely. This link will open a new browser.:
- Access the website:
- Follow the instructions provided.
Below is a button to take you directly to the GOHS transcript order page:
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Kristen Keeney
951-294-6450 ext. 23002
Fax: 951-294-6497